In December, 2018, I was fortunate to represent Leadership Mission International in meetings in Virginia to raise awareness for The Leadership Center. in a presentation at the Chamber of Commerce in Northern Virginia, I had the opportunity to meet a very nice lady named Nilda Lopez. Nilda is the counselor of the Honduran Embassy in Washington D.C. She had been invited to the meeting by one of our board members to learn about the mission of the organization. She was impressed by the impact TLC is having in the lives of young ladies in Honduras. That’s why Nilda, then set up a meeting with the Ambassador Marlon Tábora.

Marlon Tábora is an influential Honduran man who is an important representative of the government of Honduras. I was so grateful for such a privilege to meet him at the Honduran Embassy in Washington D.C.
In the meeting, we spoke about the necessity of educating young women in our country. Ambassador Tabora expressed great interest to help and gratitude to the people who are working and supporting TLC. Ambassador Tábora shared that he comes from a rural area of Honduras and studied in public schools with many difficulties. Therefore, he understands the challenges young Honduran people face in order to get an education. The Ambassador, also took a time to encourage me to work hard to accomplish my dreams and to take advantage of the great opportunities God has given me and the other TLC students to gain more knowledge that will not only help us individually but it will help many families in Honduras leave from poverty.

Ambassador Marlon Tábora and Nilda Lopez are kind Honduran leaders and are excited to contribute in any way they can to support The Leadership Center. Their visit to TLC will meaningful to the organization and it will be a great opportunity for them to interact with the students and be encouraged to work together for the development of our beautiful country, Honduras.