What’s in the Name?

By Michele Bolos

What is in our name?  You may have heard people talk about The Leadership Center or TLC and then we mention Leadership Mission International or LMI.  What is in our name?  In the simplest terms, they all mean one thing:  Hope!

In 2011, Glen Evans launched our campus in Honduras—The Leadership Center—to provide business entrepreneurship training and educational opportunities for women who are eager and passionate about gaining additional opportunities to create transformation not just for themselves, but for their communities. In 2013, Joseph Rahm and Ira Lucia worked alongside Evans to found Leadership Mission International as the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that now provides resources to and manages The Leadership Center.  In the video below, Joseph explains what the organization is about and what it is like on our TLC campus.  It is our hope that Leadership Mission International becomes more than TLC.  We dream that one day we will have many campuses to spread our mission to women all over the world.