This blog post was written in 2014, but stands as a timeless reminder of why sponsorship is so impactful to not only the student, but to their family, community, and future generations to come. Read below to find Chuck Seeley’s 2014 blog, and Lenis Garcia’s 2022 reflection.
What rate of return are you getting on your investments? | May 2014
By Chuck Seeley – Sponsor, TLC Adjunct Teacher
“To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey.” (Matthew 25:15)
“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” (Luke 12:48)
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
I open my thoughts on sponsorship through the Leadership Center with the above verses for a specific reason: all three of these passages apply to you and me as sponsors, but they apply equally to the young ladies studying at the Leadership Center. Our Lord has given much to you and I, sponsors and potential sponsors. For many of us who live in the developed world, we have resources at our disposal that cannot even be imagined by many in the developing world. And it is only by the grace and generosity of our Lord that that is true for us. We have been given much, and much is expected of us in return. The same is true for the young ladies studying at the Leadership Center. They have been given the awesome opportunity to study, learn, and develop. In return, they are to take what they learn, apply it, and make a difference in their worlds.
God has an incredible plan for each of us, sponsor and student alike. Could it be that part of His plan for you is that you help a young lady in Honduras to realize His plan for her? I know this to be so for me. God has impressed upon me that I have been blessed to be a blessing. He has blessed me so that I, in turn can be a blessing to others, including Lenis, who is studying at the Leadership Center. I consider it an incredible privilege to partner with Lenis as both she and I travel the paths to realizing God’s plans for each of us. What about you? Is it possible that God has blessed you so that you can, in turn, be a blessing to one of the young ladies at the Leadership Center, who in turn, can be a blessing to others in her community? I ask you to consider it and to discuss it with your Lord.

What return are you getting on your investments? Jesus made it clear in the parable of the talents that He expects us to invest what He has given us so that we gain a return on His investment in us. I am convinced that one of the best investments I make is as a sponsor. I have the awesome privilege of investing in Lenis. My return on this investment comes as she learns, grows, and becomes all that God intends her to become. But then my return increases even more as Lenis invests in others, as she develops and launches a business that will change her life and her future, as well as the lives and futures of those she touches, extending to her community, to Honduras, and to the world.
My investment is more than simply my monthly sponsorship gift. My investment includes praying for Lenis every day. My investment includes sending emails and letters to Lenis. My investment includes offering myself as a mentor to Lenis. I want to make my experience and expertise available to her. I want to be more than a sponsor; I want to be a mentor and friend. But this is where the relationship is mutual. Lenis prays for me, and God hears her prayer on my behalf. Lenis writes to me and sends me email, and I am blessed. We are both blessed to be a blessing!
The Abundance of What a Generous Heart Sows | June 2022
By Lenis Garcia, Cohort 4 Graduate
God shows us in different ways His love, mercy, and guidance for us to find and walk in His purpose. The Leadership Center (TLC) and the people who support it is one of these ways.
I came to TLC in 2013 with my mind and heart opened to learn and be changed through the learning experiences, and advice from people here. And I received much more than that.
In 2014 I was told that Mr. Charles Seeley was my sponsor. We communicated through letters and later I had the honor to meet him at TLC. Mr. Charles is a mentor, a friend and a child of God that has blessed my life abundantly in different areas. His generosity goes further than financial support, with his example he encourages me to pursue and education and to serve others using the gifts that I receive from God to bring Him Glory.
Mr. Charles Seeley is a gift from God to me and to other women that have the privilege to have him in their lives as well. From 2014 until today he continues sharing his time, his knowledge, his love, and his resources.

I am currently a fourth-year student of Psychology at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras en el Valle de Sula, (UNAH-VS). Also, I am a volunteer at The Leadership Center, to work with the students in areas related to stress management, self-esteem, conflict solving and vocational training. I will graduate next year. After that I want to work and find new opportunities to continue studying, a master’s degree.
The generosity of Mr. Charles´ heart bears fruit in my life, the life of my family and the lives of people that God take me to. Whether it is here at TLC or somewhere else, as a psychologist or as a friend, through business or community development projects, I want to be a blessing.