I am Martha. I grew up in Zambrano, Francisco Morazán, with my parents and 4 siblings. When I was 14 years old I had to go through a very hard process with my family, where my father developed cancer (glioblastoma). After a few months of fighting for his life he unfortunately passed away. That process was painful and difficult for me to accept. After that, it was difficult for me to continue studying in high school because of my family’s lack of money. I graduated from high school, thanks to a scholarship I received from a math teacher and my mother’s hard work by selling tortillas, mangos and soya chips every day to pay for the expenses at home, my studies and my younger sister’s.
I got to know about LMI thanks to Hannah Bryant. On my second time applying, I was accepted. Currently, I am a second-year student here. It is amazing how God brought me to this place, to show me all that he has for me through the classes, the teachers, the work groups, the girls, my sponsors, the staff members and the visitors here. They are all part of who I am today. TLC has impacted my life and my family’s life in a unique way by giving me many tools to grow. This place has made me resilient without fear of making my voice heard by others. I have grown as leader, capable of making positive impacts on the lives of others.
After graduation, I will continue keeping with me what I have acquired over the years and share it with my community members through community projects. I will continue working hard to become an expert in the social work area to support my community. One of my goals is to have an NGO in my community to help the youth and children in spiritual, intellectual and economic areas. To give them a safe place to grow as leaders and learn a second language without any barrier to achieve everything they want, as I have learned at TLC. Everything I have achieved in these years is more than the grace of GOD in my life, as a loving father who takes care of me and my family.